Via Catechesis

Thank you for considering Via Catechesis. Via (for short) is a curriculum formed out of the Anglican tradition in churches a part of the DWA! You might find this course helpful if you ever asked any of the following questions: Do I know what the fundamental beliefs of the Christian church are? What is it exactly that the Anglican church believes? How do I use the Book of Common Prayer? What does it mean to live a Christian life? Each of these questions point to a desire to shore up and be read to proclaim the Christian truth.


If you have asked any of these questions lately, then Via is a great place for you to get answers and explore with fellow believers at King’s Cross. Simply sign up using the link below and Fr. Blake will reach out to you shortly on next steps.


When: Wednesday Nights @ 6 pm (starting Feb. 5th)

Where: Fr. Blake's House (will send info after sign up)

Questions to consider

What is Catechism?

Catechism is the process in which a person sits under the teachings of the historic church. This process was intended for new believers in Christ to learn the fundamentals of their faith. As they went through this process, they would learn what it meant to be a believer of Christ and to believe in the truth of scripture. Traditionally, catechism were written with a question and answer format to give people solid answers to important questions that they might have as they ask questions about the world. Below you will find the catechism of the ACNA. You will need to either purchase this or have a downloaded copy for our classes.


Do I have to be confirmed if I go through catechism?

The simple answer is no. Throughout the church’s history, when someone wanted to be confirmed in their faith, they would go through catechism so they could proclaim the truth of the church for themselves. This service is done in front of the church under the authority of the Bishop. However, just because you go through catechism does not mean that you need to be confirmed. If you are wanting to be confirmed then you must go through catechism.

How long is Via?

Via catechesis is a 9-month long course. If you have ever spend any time in school, you would like that the process of learning can take some time. Although you can read through the catechism in a few hours, it doesn’t mean that you have incorporated this into your way of life. Remember, Jesus calls us to a LIFE dedicated to him. This means that we constantly go through adjustments in our life to make us more like Jesus. This process is called sanctification. If you are considering Via, then I would encourage you to treat this as a small group for the year. That does not mean you have to leave the small group you are a part of. Rather, it is to commit to this group and the people in it.