Digital membership Class at King's Cross

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Membership covenant

King’s Cross Anglican Church

Member Covenant


Prospective members of King’s Cross Anglican Church should be confident that God is leading them into communion with this parish fellowship, understanding their membership to be an act of obedience to God, and affirming their allegiance to Jesus Christ above every earthly loyalty. While all who seek to know and follow Jesus Christ are warmly welcomed into the fellowship family of King’s Cross, those who become members make an intentional public commitment and accept the responsibilities associated with membership.

Members will receive train­ing and catechesis designed to help them become fully de­voted followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ, fully incorporated into the Body of Christ. This training shall include instruction in the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ as the Angli­can Church in North America has received them. Those who have not yet been confirmed or received can be recognized as members with the understanding that they will be moving toward confirmation.


Baptism Vows: Believing in the truths of Christianity expressed in the Apostle’s Creed, and having been bapized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I willingly affirm these Six Ancient Baptismal Vows:


  1. I renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God.
  2. I renounce the evil powers of this world, which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God.
  3. I renounce all sinful desires that draw me from the love of God.
  4. I turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as my Savior.
  5. I put my whole trust in his grace and love.
  6. I promise to follow and obey him as my Lord

Standards: I willingly commit to these standards as a member of King’s Cross Anglican Church:

  • I will worship every Lord’s Day with King’s Cross unless reasonably prevented. I will engage regularly in reading and studying Holy Scripture, praying and walking with Christ as His disciple.
  • I will live in unity, truth, and grace, investing in relationhips, practicing hospitality, and being willing to serve one another as Jesus served the Church.
  • I will honor my baptismal vows, lead an upright and sober life, and give no scandal or embarrassment to the Church.
  • I will present my children and those those I have led to Christ for baptism and confirmation.
  • I will tithe as the biblical minimum standard of giving.
  • I will practice forgiveness daily according to our Lord’s teaching
  • I will receive worthily the Sacrament of Holy Communion as often as reasonable (1 Corinthians 11:27-28).
  • I will continually be formed in the Faith so as to remain an effective minister of Jesus Christ. I will live daily on mission, so others may experience the life of Jesus, being a witness of the Gospel in all places and at all times, to the greater glory of God.