upcoming events

  • Holy Week 2025

    Join us as we prepare for Easter Sunday through the services of Holy Week. This is a great chance to reflect on several different scenes we see from the Bible as Jesus approaches Jerusalem. As we walk through those different scenes, we will be enter into a more joyous Easter Sunday as we worship on the greatest feast day in the whole year. 

    Palm Sunday - 4/13 @ 4:30 pm (Canyon Del Oro Bible Church)

    Stations of the Cross - 4/15 @ 5:30 pm (Santa Catalina Catholic Church)

    Maundy Thursday - 4/17 @ 7 pm (Canyon Del Oro Bible Church)

    Good Friday 4/18 @ 7 pm (Canyon Del Oro Bible Church)

    Easter Vigil 4/19 @ 9 pm (Canyon Del Oro Bible Church)

    Easter Sunday 4/20 @ 4:30 pm (Canyon Del Oro Bible Church)

  • First Sunday of the month potluck! 

    On the first Sunday of every month we share a meal together following our Sunday liturgy. Join us: bring a dish according to each month's theme, which we publish in our weekly email (subscribe below) and enjoy some delicious food and conversation. 

  • Women's Monthly Fellowship Dinner

    Join the women of King's Cross for their Monthly Fellowship Dinner, to share in the life of Christ over a meal, with prayer, discussion, and to encourage one another in the Holy Spirit.  Contact Jordan Stone for more details.

  • community groups

    King's Cross has weekly Community Groups meeting. Go the this page to gather information on locations, dates and times. These vital midweek groups meet for food, mutual support and fellowship, and every evening concludes with the office of Compline Prayer from our 2019 Anglican Book of Common Prayer. 

  • our anglican heritage class

    Our Anglican Heritage class is completed. We journeyed from the earliest centuries of the Church in the British Isles to our current day. The classes have been recorded and are now posted on our website: if you would like to hear the 4 lectures, click here