Home Blessings

Epiphany is upon us! This means that home blessings are going to be returning. What is a home blessing? A home blessing is a chance for us to ask Christ to bless our home for those who live there and for those who come over. We pray over every room in the house and then end the blessing by marking the front door with “20+C+M+B+25”. The numbers represent the year that the home is being blessed. The letters in the center stand for “Christus Mansionem Benedicat. This is Latin for Christ, bless this home. Every year, we offer home blessings as a reminder to ourselves that all we have is because of Christ.


If you would like to have your home blessed this year, please fill out the form below so that Blake can come to visit and bless your home this Epiphany season. 


A Light to your neighbors

When you bless your home, you will have several opportunities to talk to neighbors about the writing on your door. First, this is a great chance to invite friends and family to join you in this blessing! It is a great way to bring people into your home so they can see the power of Christ on display for them. Second, you might find that the letters and numbers on your door will start a conversation with your neighbors. I have heard of so many conversations people were able to have because of the markings on their door. As you think about the different ways that people might ask you about your home blessing, be prepared to share the gospel and the beauty of what God is doing in your own home!

Preparing your heart

The season of Epiphany is generally about Christ being manifested to us and being known. It also has a general theme of light as the light breaking into the world. As we do the home blessing, consider that every room we walk into is being illuminated by the light of Christ. This means that darkness cannot hide there anymore. In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the people would be encouraged to bring out anything in their home that would be considered idolatry or sin. 

As you prepare for your home blessing, I would want you to consider how your home reflects your life with Christ. Is there anything that is an idol in your home that you need to get ride of? What things are you hiding in the darkness of your home that draw you away from Christ. IS there any darkness in your heart that you need to confess with those in your home as you seek to have it blessed? Please make suer that you take the time to prepare your heart and your home for the light of Christ to be made known there.