King's Cross Community Groups

Community Groups provide an opportunity to extend our community life together outside of our Sunday gathering, into our homes, to share and experience the grace of Jesus in our everyday lives.

Groups meet during the week, at a host-home (some on Zoom) to share a meal, to read and reflect upon scripture, and to offer prayers and intercessions for one another. If the group shares a meal, they are often a shared-offering, meaning a different person brings something each week. 

Groups should remain intimate, held to a maximum of ten members. The aim is to experience life together in Christ, for mutual support, discipleship, formative prayer, and for the growth of Christ’s kingdom in our neighborhoods.

Scroll Below to Find Your Community Group

Oro Valley Community Group

Host; Deacon Josh Rodriguez

Tuesday Evenings at 6:30PM

Deacon Josh hosts a community group in the Villages of La Cañada neighborhood of Oro Valley on Tuesday from 7:00PM-8:30PM. We share a meal and discuss the previous Sunday’s lectionary within the Evening Prayer liturgy. This also gives us the opportunity to pray with one another and discern how we might live out God’s mission for each of our lives outside the walls of the church together. 

See map below contact Josh here for specific details or questions. 

Oro Valley Community Group

Hosts: Paul and Bren Warner

Wednesday Evenings at 6PM

Paul and Bren Warner (Riyah 18, Ava 15, Judah 13) host a Community Group in the Copper Creek neighborhood of Oro Valley on Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 PM. We share a meal, discuss the upcoming Sunday’s Scripture readings, worship through song (occasionally) and pray for one another as we conclude our time with the end of the day compline prayer

We invite you to join us as we seek to learn, grow and serve together while being strengthened and encouraged in our mutual faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

See map below and contact Bren here for specific details or question. 

North Central Tucson - Music Community Group

Hosts: Amy Lind

Wednesday Evenings at 6PM

Amy hosts a community group which gathers to select the music for our Sunday liturgy. We begin by prayerfully studying the readings, selecting music appropriate for those themes, practicing any challenging or new pieces, then ending with collective prayer and fellowship. 

We have the unique joy of, each week, working together towards a common service for the church. If you are interested in why we sing the songs we sing, even if you don't plan to join the choir, we would love to have you join us! 

See map below, ask Amy at church for specific location, or send an email if you have any questions.

zoom group

host: jason Caywood

Monday evenings 6PM

Together we take a deep dive to study Scripture, share our concerns and needs, enjoy fellowship and pray together using the Compline prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP2019).

Anyone is welcome to join anytime.
Join Zoom Meeting
Monday at 6:00 PM

If you have any questions, contact Jason here